Ofcom's Digital Revolution: Social Media's Seismic Shift

Imkomputer.com Welcome may you get benefits. Now I want to explain the Technology that many people are looking for. Writings That Lifting Technology Ofcoms Digital Revolution Social Medias Seismic Shift Get full insight by reading until the end.
Social Media Companies Face Punishments for Failing to Protect Children
Social media companies will face punishments for failing to keep children safe on their platforms, communications watchdog Ofcom has warned. Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom's chief executive, said it was the responsibility of the firms - not parents or children - to make sure people were safe online.
New Legal Safeguards to Protect Children
The Online Safety Act aims to force tech firms to take more responsibility for the content on their platforms. Companies will have three months from when the guidance is finalised to carry out risk assessments and make relevant changes to safeguard users.
Ofcom Ready to Enforce New Powers
Ofcom has already been in close contact with social networking services and Dame Melanie said when the new legal safeguards became enforceable the regulator would be ready to go.
Tech Companies Must Be Transparent
Dame Melanie said that technology companies needed to be honest and transparent about what their services are actually exposing their users to.
Instagram Adds Features to Prevent Sextortion
Dame Melanie's comments come on the same day that Instagram added features to help stop sextortion.
Act Requires Protection from Harmful Content
The Act requires social media firms to protect children from content such as self-harm material, pornography and violent content.
That is the complete explanation about ofcoms digital revolution social medias seismic shift in technology that I have presented Thank you for your dedication in reading stay focused on life goals and maintain spiritual health. Don't hesitate to share this with your friends. See you again hopefully the next other article is interesting. Thank you.